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Peh said:
barneystinson69 said:

So he was a 2nd generation immigrant? Than yeah this made more sense (as his parents probably came during the revolution, thus more likely to be religious minorities). I thought he had only come to Germany recently and thus why I assumed he was a muslim. Then I guess I was wrong. He really was just insane and apparentely didn't feel "German"? 

What I received from the news is that he was being mobbed and was also mentally ill. There is currently the rumor that he failed his school graduation. He also took Breivik as an idol and informed himself about several Amok cases.

Origin or religion takes no part in it.

In the Eastern European media (you know, the one that is not controlled by mama-Merkel) it has been reported that the attacker shouted allahu akbar. Also in the link that I've posted for you earlier, there is a video where the attacker said that he is German and that he is committing the mass-murder because he has been bullied for seven years. Bullied for what? Bullied for being a muslim? Also, the media is reporting that he had all of this material about mass-shooting ….. of course he had material about mass-shooting, he was planning one, it doesn’t mean that he committed the mass-shooting just because he was obsess with Breivik.

and he're is a Western link to read for you