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Luke888 said:

Soooooo I'm just gona leave here a quick guide on how to cook pasta, I've had some bad esperiences in Ireland that made me learn that many people don't know how to cook it in the slightest:


Cooking Pasta, the Italian way:

What you need:

-Pot (make shure it's large enough if you're cooking Spaghetti, it doesn't need to fit them all from the beginning , but you need something at least 18 cm in diameter so that after a few seconds the part of the spaghetti you put into the water get softer and you can push the other end of the spaghetti inside the pot with a fork);

-Water ;


-Coarse Salt;



1- Fill  1/2 of the pot with water, if you need to cook for only a few people (max 3) you can use less water, it will also speed up the boiling process;

2- Put the Pot on the cooker and turn it on;

3- When the water is boiling take a teaspoon of Coarse Salt and put it in the boiling water;

4- Once the Coarse Salt has dissolved put the pasta in the boiling water (medium portion 80-100g for each person);

5- Wait the cooking time displayed on the package of the pasta MINUS ONE MINUTE, then try the pasta and decide if it's ready or if you want it to cook more;

6-drain away the water (boiling water is super effective if poured onto encrusted plates and cutlery, so you might want to use it instead of throwing it right away);

7- put the pasta in the plate and season it to your liking.

NOTE: Pasta musn't be overcooked, you can recognize overcooked pasta by it's white colour and far oversized dimensions, overcooked pasta on the long run can be dangerous for your teeth health because it's too soft and doesn't keep your mouth "trained" to masticate harder foods. On the other hand pasta that didn't boil long enought isn't good either since it tastes terrible, you can recognize pasta that didn't cook enough by biting it and looking at it's inside, if the core of the pasta is significantly different in colour from the outside then your pasta wasn't cooked enough.

This! There is no other way to cook pasta!

My father used to overcook pasta! He also used to make a tomato "sauce" (it was more like a tomato soup...) to accompany the dish.

It was soooooo bad, and we used to eat that a lot... But thanks to that I started cooking! Now I don't let him cook pasta anymore

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