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Player2 said:

NPD: With digital sales increasing, we're very interested in having them in our software report.

Big Third Parties: We're interested in sharing our numbers because a lot of our PC sales are digital so they aren't reflected in the report. However, there's a catch...

NPD: What is it?

BTP: Indies and other small studios that primarily distribute their games digitally. Something must be done so those filthy outsiders cannot steal the top places our AAA games deserve.

NPD: OK, we understand. Does anybody have an idea to solve this?

EA: I have an idea. Change the software ranking criteria from units to revenue. Not only it solves the problem, it also hurts those pesky handheld games because they are cheaper.

Everybody: We love you, EA.


And that's what I think it happened.

That's probably exactly how it went down :(