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I think we often get "Healthy" mixed up with "Balanced". Where Balanced is the word that should be used. As long as you have your protein, preferably lean beef, fish, or chicken, your veg for Vitamin B12, Iron, Calcium, etc. and some type of grain, whatever you make will be umm..."healthy" I guess. And of course you can have a little fat so maybe a dessert like Dark Chocolate or something so that your body can process your vitamins. So like I don't know, maybe grilled tilapia or salmon, with snap peas and brown rice is a meal that I like to make. I don't necessarily have a recipe though.

And trust me, I understand as a now 3rd year university student, fast food is almost a necessity unless you go my route and get like 20 boxes of Maruchan and put chicken and veg in it.