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I don't want to be "that asshole", but I want to know what Sheriff David Clark would say about this.

In all seriousness. This is absolutely disgusting and really speaks for the police as a whole. There a thousands of brave police officers that want nothing more than to bring peace to their communities and do the right thing for the people. Yet these dickbags ruin it for them.

Now it's the asshole cops who are engaging in the killings and the OP's video who speak for the entire police force as a label. When you go to the store and by a video game. The first thing you see is someone on the cover that attracts your attention. Your attention then comes to expect that what you see is relevant to the game a whole. That's how the mind works. People attach the loudest words to the whole picture. They see these assholes and assume all of the police are like that. That's why there is civil unrest, and potentially a civil war 2 if this keeps up. These asshole represents the whole face of the force. When in reality they are stupid fucking people. They are criminals with a badge and NOTHING is worse than a thug with a badge. Those goofs manage to get away with life sentences. And who's suffering? The people. The good people and the good officers. Because these fucking goofs go home and sleep at night. While everyone else feels fear and unease because of their actions. Yet all we get is that "the officer's actions were justified". With answers like that, it's almost as if they are asking for a civil war.... It's such a shame.