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RolStoppable said:
DanneSandin said:
This is good and all, especially for Nintendo, I just hope they don't loose interest in their hardware and console software markets. I hope this acts as a huge (and lucrative) PR campaign for Nintendo, driving sales of their HW and SW.

Pokémon GO has really been an impressive success, one that probably caught Nintendo off guard. I think THIS has opened their eyes to what the mobile scene could mean for them. Miitomo had a successful launch, but lost momentum, Pokémon GO however...

I think Nintendo knew it already, that's why they made the decision to begin with. And there's no risk that they'll lose interest in their core business. While people are obsessed with talking about Pokémon Go, the more interesting news seems to fly under the radar. Since the release of Pokémon Go in the USA, several older Pokémon games have shot up on the rankings, pulling 3DS hardware and Mario and Zelda titles along with it. Similar things should be happening at Gamestop. While there are no sales numbers to quantify the effect yet, it's enough to confirm that synergy between Nintendo's mobile games and their dedicated hardware is very realistic, and that's what Nintendo had planned for since the beginning of their decision to make mobile games.

Profit and revenue from Nintendo's core business will be higher than what they make on mobile, but that shouldn't come as a surprise when ~95% of mobile users will not spend money on free-to-play apps. 3DS and Wii U were rejected by the market to varying degrees, so the beneficial effects on dedicated Nintendo hardware will be far greater in the future, provided NX doesn't commit the same mistakes as 3DS and Wii U.

I'm not sure they knew just how big it would be. As I understand it, Niantic approached Nintendo about making this game. That right there is quite telling how interested Nintendo really were in the mobile market; not all that much. But I think that perspective have changed.

Yeah, I saw that news here, I think, that HW and SW were up as a side effect of Pokémon GO, which is awesome. I know that you've argued that this was the whole point for Nintendo going mobile and it I think it worked even better than Nintendo had hoped it would. I think GO exceeded all of Nintendo's expactations. If Nintendo can continue to make these kind of impact with upcoming mobile releases... Man... They'll be a dominating force.

Nintendo might be facing great times ahead, IF they don't fuck up the NX and NX portable. I'm still hoping for a hybrid; there's so many games I'd like to take with me when I'm forced to go outside and leave a gaming session behind. Mobile games coupled with more merchandise and extended use of their IP will serve them great, as long as they don't get too greedy. Those are all great means to spread awerness of their IP's.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.