Drakrami said:
jungemann said:
i think you are missing some points 1. the ps4 was probably stonger in june compared to july because of some uncharted 4 legs. 2. july is just a 4 weeks tracking peroid compared to 5 in june. so a huge day like primeday has a bigger impact on the overall sales 3. june deals for xbox one were great, but the insane deals were in july.
here is the press release for primeday 2016 http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=176060&p=irol-newsArticle&ID=2185161
and the xbox one bundles were one of the highligh deals with big showings on the top frontpage
3 years into the console war, with a clear winner in the ps4. Xbots still think Xbox1 has a chance... /facepalm.
Even if let's say miraculously Xbox1 wins. It is just NPD and for 1 month. We all know PS4 dominates globally.
correct. consolewarrior are supid and annyoing and bring up theire fight to factual discussions...
good job man