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DemoniOtaku said:
Pemalite said:
I fully expect the Radeon 470 to hit those performance claims in eSports titles.
eSports titles are pretty light... This could be a massively big seller over in Asian countries if AMD prices it right.

Crysis 3 though? It can be demanding with everything dialed up to 11... Bold claim AMD. Considering the Radeon 480 struggles to hit 60fps with everything maxed out+FXAA.

The Radeon 460 though looks like a Bonaire XT/XTX, I would be super keen to see how those cards stack up, considering Bonaire is now 3 years old... Give it to me in a low-profile form factor and make it passively cooled and I will bite and upgrade a few rigs around the place.

The 470 is nice mid level full HD gaming GPU and 460 a nice entry level one... AMD can get the masses market with those and the Rx480.

AMD's problem is that the 470 may put the 480 in a bad position. The 480 can't play games at 1440 at max settings... heck, as Pemalite said, it can't even play some games at 1080p at max. Why should anyone buy the 480 when the 470 isn't that far behind at 1080p but costs $50/100 less?

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.