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"My thread was made to inform people of something I thought they may not know, as I myself until this morning also did not know. I'd also like to know how I "Cherry Picked" my information.

The response has been absolutely appauling, I created a thread discussing the operating profits of Nintendo, posted facts about that, gave my opinion that it was likely the WiiU causing the operating loss for this generation and that the situation would improve next generation.

Then my thread also asked the question of what people believed the reason behind the operating loss to be incase they thought it was something else to me, to give their opinion, and by extension how they believe Nintendo should have, or will in the future have a much better operating income.

But people like yourself suddenly get extremely upset and claim discussing sales on a sales site is pointless and unnescessary.

The behaviour by some towards that thread has been pathetic, it was not an "anti-nintendo thread" not a "doom thread" not a thread comparing Nintendo to any other company and it was not made in response to any other news or current happenings.

Absolutely awful reaction."

Moderators you can lock this thread, as some people apparently can't have a reasonable discussion on what Nintendo may have done wrong or how they could improve, but instead feel victimised and persecuted.