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Goodnightmoon said:
twintail said:

It's possible but I really doubt it.

Still failing to see whyppl think mobile consumers are going to magically spend so much money on a handheld nd game just because of a mobile version.


But good for Nintendo if it works.

You dont understand that now that Pokemon is more popular than ever since 1996 thanks to Pokemon Go is very probable sales of the new main games are better? Pokemon Go is the biggest publicity Pokemon Sun/Moon could have ever had and with more publicity usually you get more sales, is that simple.

you don't unterstand the mobile games market and the users.
was angry birds on consoles big? no

mobile free2play gamer will still play pokemon go, or rather move to the next hyped thing, instead of investing $200 to play pokemon sun/moon
the number of people, who will do that will be abysmal low when you compare that to the people who play go
the number will be below 1% for sure. if nintendo will get 1m more sales just because of go, that would be a huge success. but even that will proabably not happen.

well we could also apply the xbox play anywhere logic here. because people can play pokemon on phone now, sales for 3ds and sun/moon will even further decline. but that would be stupid. because we know thats just fanboy talk.
but just don't expect this to grow the demand for 3ds and sun/moon by 5 million or whatever...