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"Bouhlel Was Not Known as a Religious Person & Was Arrested in May After Throwing a Pallet at a Motorist During a Road Rage Incident as His Life Spiraled Due to Depression"

This isn't "Islamic terrorism" at all. "His cousin told The Daily Mail that Bouhlel broke the rules of Islam." (not referring to the events in Nice, but to his life in general - this guy didn't live the life of a Muslim at all). "... never prayed or attended a mosque. He also said Bouhlel drank alcohol, ate pork and did drugs."

"Another neighbor said he was more into women than religion, saying he “didn’t pray” and liked “girls and Salsa” dancing."

But I'm sure that the people who are attacking Islam over the events in Nice will assert that he's still a Muslim because he's from Tunisia and his name is Mohammed, and if a Muslim does something bad it's because of Islam (but the good things that Muslims do are naturally "in spite of" Islam, right?). Food for thought.