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On the subject of Beyonce, I think she's a pretty okay singer, though I don't like most of her music.  She's not great, though.  Listening to her singing Etta James kind of showed that for me, while Christina Aguilera knocked it out the park.

Bandorr said:
Overrated is one of the most over used words possible.

You are basically using your opinion to overwrite the opinion of MILLIONS of others.

That is just silly.

I think it's fair when we're talking about musicians who achieve fame based largely or partially on some other factor, such as their looks.  Disposible pop is about production as much as music and about convincing people that what they are watching is going to be popular.  Much of it does not stand the test of time.

Would Justin Beiber be nearly as famous if he looked like Lyle Lovett or Willie Nelson?  I doubt it.  Was Debbie Gibson as talented as her former popularity would indicate?  I honestly can't remember any of her music.  Britney Spears once took the western world by storm but she is best remembered for sexy dancing, not for her songs.  She'll be a trivia question when people are still listening to Aretha Franklin.  In the 40's and 50's, actors sold a lot of records even if they weren't great singers.

In that regard, I think it's a valid discussion.