shikamaru317 said: So I've played Ana quite a bit now on the Public Test Realm, and I must say I'm not that impressed, which is a real shame because I really wanted to like her. Her damage is 2nd place among the 4 healers, which is a shame considering the fact that the highest healer damage dealer, Zenyatta, is much easier to aim with due to generous aim assist. Her single target healing is 2nd to Mercy imo, which I would be fine with, but once again it is hard to actually aim with her so you can only easily heal the big tanks, smaller teammates move around too much to easily heal with her. Her Sleep ability is also hard to aim. Her healing grenade is good for self healing, healing a group of allies, and debuffing enemies, so it's good at least. Her ult is great, but to me it feels kind of slow to charge, and because it relies on a teammate's skill rather than your own, it's a crapshoot rather or not you'll get a decent number of kills with it if you play with PUG's like I do. Basically her whole character feels like it's designed to be well-rounded, a middle ground between the high healing of Mercy and Lucio, and the high damage of Zenyatta, but the game's medal system and post-game top 4 player system don't favor well-rounded characters, they favor characters that excel in a single area. |
I agree. Shes fine. But at the same time. You feel like her gun is in glue, or something. Her sleep ability is probably gonna be rarley used. There's just a large area of delay, of you pushing the button. Then it firing. It's gonna be useless on Tracer, 76. And probably gonna be abusing Tanks only. I also notice her gun doesn't give headshot damage. I see her being used, as the Reinhardt, Bastion, Ana camping combo mostly.