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What's their definition of a successful console? Selling how many consoles? Profits? How much would the need to sell to make it successful?

There are as many cons as there are pros to going third party and history has not always been good to those who have faltered. While Atari and Sega certainly don't have the IPs Nintendo has, Nintendo integrates their hardware and software like they're bread and butter in ways no other console manufacturer can do. Plus, can we really say that IPs such as Splatoon, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, etc. would've been more successful as multiplat? Considering the genre it's in, I'm not sure Splatoon would've survived on a platform with CoD, Battlefield, Halo, etc. competing directly against it. Plus, the free online and the motion controls and touch screen via game pad have apparently made the experience more intuitive for players. Thus, multiplats doesn't guarantee success or higher profitssince they lose the 1st party royalties.