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Nope, didn't survive. Alan Wake RROD my original fat Xbox 360, which was an awesome console (fixed it twice since warranty didn't cover me at that point) and had a five year lifespan. Third time it gave me RROD something from the inside broke completely and was unfixable at that point.

My parents contacted a friend of theirs and I got a brand new Xbox 360 Slim that same year; the Halo:Reach model. While not as good as the OG, the silver colour was a very, very nice touch considering every 360 at that point was black (no offense to blacks). The game sucks hard, but I can honestly say that's one of the most beautiful special edition consoles altogether; it even features special boot up sounds, different to the standard Slim model. It's still going strong after six years and doesn't have any sign of problem or anything. Sometimes the disc drive gets stuck (for no reason whatsoever, it even happens while playing a digital game), but it can be easily fixed by opening the tray and closing it again. As long as this is the only problem I'll have to endure, it seems this one will last me for a bunch more years, which is nice.


On a side note, I'm not sure how you could "survive" something like this. It was a lottery at times. I remember a friend who got a YLOD after mere months of playing on a OG PS3 (he used to play ps2 games all the time, not sure that had something to do). But then I have another friend who also has an OG PS3, treated it like shit (Like really, he hit the console when he was frustrated, wasn't careful with it, often left something on it like a blanket which caused the console to overheat like crazy, introduced the discs like a maniac and sometimes didn't turn the console off normally but plugging it out the current, and overall being a dick to it because since it was gifted he didn't care much about it), and the console is still going strong after nine years. Like it makes some weird sounds, but never gives any kind of problem. Likewise, I didn't have any friends who owned a 360, but there was this classmate that was once complaining that he bought an Xbox and it broke the very first day he tried playing it, and I'm inclined to believe he won the RROD lotto there.