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hershel_layton said:
PwerlvlAmy said:
all these shooting on black civilians and police is sad and i hope it comes to the end

according to some silly conspiracy theories I read that this is the first event of many that will be done so that the gun agenda can be pushed and give the government reason to declare martial law and postpone/cancel the GOP/DNC conventions so that no election happens and Obama stays in power

I need to stay off that side of the internet o.o

Take out the last part and it sounds like it can possible happen



While I never heard anything about Obama staying in office, I am hearing a lot of people discuss the possibility of martial law. Don't think it'll happen anytime soon though 

All the Martial Law talk is BS sensationalism.  There would need to be ten times that cop shootings and riots for nationwide Martial Law to even be considered, much less seriously considered, much less put in place.  I mean shoot, we didn't have Martial Law in 1992 when the violent crime rate was far, far higher than now.  Shoot, there wasn'the even declaration of nationwide Martial Law in the 60s or 70s, only a brief use of it in one state, that being Alabama.  

Also the Constitution clearly states in Article 1, Section 9 that "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."  Martial Law goes hand in hand in this country with suspension of that right and therefore there must be such a case as specified in the Constitution.  Also, the Posse Comitatus Act forbids military involvement in domestic law enforcement without congressional approval.  The idea that Martial Law is on the verge of being declared right now is beyond absurd.