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This would be the very definition of my nightmare scenario. I dislike motion controls greatly. I find it unappealing that I must gyrate all over the place to play a game, and I can only tolerate it for short periods of time. I pray the control is only optional for some games. I want the focus to be on a dual analog pad. I do not want to play dumbed down games with dumbed down controls.

I also am not keen on the entire Mii concept. The entire premise on the Wii is pretty superfluous. I think Microsoft can do better then Nintendo. Hell Sony is doing better then Nintendo. Home seems like a far more rewarding avatar building experience. Were Microsoft to produce a really good avatar with great customization, and the ability to upgrade the character through achievements we might be going somewhere. Then again Microsoft may decide to charge for what amounts to a purely superfluous feature.

Anyway I am not seeing any good in this if it turns out to be true. I am getting a little tired with this generations penchant for replicating what the other guy is doing. None of the manufacturers are innocent either. Nintendo copies Microsoft with the Virtual Console, and Wii Ware. Sony copies Nintendo's motion control concept, and copies the virtual avatar concept. Now Microsoft copies both Sony and Nintendo. All the consoles are getting far too similar.