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Strategyking92 said:
superdelegates defeat the purpose of democracy

Only because other politcians are panzies. If O'Bama loses because the Super Delegates choose hilary, he should say F you and run as an indpendent.

Might they both lose? Yeah. Would it still be the right call. Probably.

I think they should just get rid of primaries and have a runoff system. Have all the "Primary" candidates run in one election.... then take the top 2 and have a runoff.

That way we'd get centrist candidates who actually support the will of the majority of the country instead of like 51% of 50% of the country.

Fiscal conservatives with liberal social issues would finally get a fair shake. As would Fiscal conservaties who are conservative on social issues for that matter.  I think to many people vote on issues like abortion and gay marriage, which are issues that aren't going to change because if they changed such issues they wouldn't have them as such an awesome rallying cry every 2 years.