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No company is perfect. From Nintendo to Sega, every gaming company is known for their flaws.


As for you, what do you think Nintendo's biggest issue I?


For me, it's how they manage games.

A) I find it quite irritating how the prices of games rarely change. Pokemon black and white should not still be 40 dollars at a game store. Absolutely no reason to do so. Either a game decreases or stays the same price. There isn't really a pattern for how prices change. 


B) Not only that, but they rarely have good games on sale for the eshop. Besides the recent e3 sale(which was the worst time for me to lose my 3ds), they usually just take $5 shovel ware and put it half off. Perhaps if actual titles like Fire Emblem, pokemon, mario, etc were given good deals, they'd generate more sales?


C) Old games from the Gameboy to Gameboy advanced can easily generate sales in two ways. Nintendo can make a netflix like app where you play all games for 10-20 bucks a month, or just release all the games for free/99 cents and add some DLC aspects to it(think of Pokemon shuffle). Currently, im sure nintendo doesn't make too much money charging 5+ bucks for each individual game.


D) Digital games never correspond with typical prices in retail. I know a lot of people will tell me that Sony and Microsoft do this as well, but it's still an issue for Nintendo regardless. Digital games aren't worth as much as physical, that's obvious. I really want to go digital for my 3ds, but the digital pricing is simply...strange. the professor Layton games are still full price on the eshop, while they're around 20 bucks in a local best buy or gamestop. I don't know how companies(like nintendo) could deal with this 'issue', but I'm sure many others want to go digital.



Of course, these are my thoughts. Not really here to debate them(as I'm sure someone can debunk every thing I said and call me an idiot). I'd like to see everyone else's biggest issue with nintendo.



Note: this isn't a thread to hate on Nintendo. I love nintendo, but even i can realize that they commit mistakes.



12/22/2016- Made a bet with Ganoncrotch that the first 6 months of 2017 will be worse than 2016. A poll will be made to determine the winner. Loser has to take a picture of them imitating their profile picture.