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"They've branded themselves as the hard-core gaming rig, and I just don't think that the hard-core audience is that big. Thirty or forty million, but not 120 million. I think they're going to keep capturing the hard-core, but they're never going to appeal to family, and Sony's always going to appeal to family." Patcher is an idiot, So PS2/XBOX sold 130+m and only 40m were to hardcoe gamers? this article is absurd, PS3 will most likely edge out the 360 for 2nd at some point in a year or mores time, the 360 isnt gonna suddenly stop selling for no reason, i doubt either console can catch the Wii, PS3 will sell 50-60m lifetime, the 360 will sell 50-55m lifetime IMO and the Wii 100+m.