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Normchacho said:
Nuvendil said:
It's been a gosh darn day people, they were hunting for a shooter who killed 4 cops, 1 DART, wounded 7 others, and wounded multiplease protesters. Yes, he wasn't the guy but he was a suspect at the time, they were just trying to find him. With the shooter dead, all this death threat nonsense will stop. My word they run out and get gunned down protecting civilians and people's first response is to flip because they posted a photo of a suspect who just happened to not be the right guy and haven't apologized in the, what, 13 hour span? Good lord people, have some cooking patience.

When they posted that picture, he had already spoken to a police officer and had handed over his gun.

They also called him a suspect, not a person of interest. There is a very big difference and he wouldn't have even been a person of interest had the police communicated properly.

The long and short of it is that they fucked up and put an innocent civilian in very real danger.

Information doesn't travel instanty.  This all went down in less than a day.  And the odds he would have been killed were pretty darn slim, irregardless of all the vitriol online (if death threats online came to fruition frequently, TotalBiscuit would be dead long ago :P).  The officer or employee who posted that only knew that multiple witnesses at the protest saw him there with a weapon of the type used *in the shooting*.  It was a snap decision to ask the public for information.  You can't require cops or anyone to act on knowledge you have NOW with the benefit of hindsight.  This is, frankly, a PERFECT example of the kinds of minor hiccups that will happen from time to time for which the Police should not be tar and feathered.  5 cops died in the line of duty protecting people - both civilians and fellow cops - and the first thing, the VERY first thing people try to do is show how, despite that sacrifice and resolving this in under a day the police are reckless and incompetent.