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On July 14th a new Pokémon is set to be added to the Pokkén Tournament roster so place your bets, I'll do my best to provide a table with everyone's prediction in the OP and to update it constantly.

My bet is on Greninja.


Luke888 Greninja
lionpetercarmoo Zoroark
CWegzz Scizor
Mike321 Heracross
Nautilus MissingNo
Einsam_Delphin Greninja
John19 Greninja
hershel_layton Scizor
XanderXT Tyranitar
Signalstar Zubat
IkePoR Nidoking
Fededx Jigglypuff
BasilZero Tyranitar
Jonathanalis Snorlax
Shadow8 Jigglypuff