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TheBlackNaruto said:
thismeintiel said:

And what about the many more white people who are shot by cops?  Why aren't those broadcast on the news?  Why don't news organizations edit video or only show one side of the story for them?  Have coverage of them for days?  Or the other minorities for that matter?  When's the last time we had a week/month long discussion cause some Asian/Hispanic/Arab thug charged at a cop and got shot, yet we blamed the cop?  You're getting played and you don't even know it.

 I am fine YOU are missing the point. I watch and follow all of the news of white people being shot and killed by these trigger happy cops that are not properly trained. I know more whites have been killed by cops than blacks I pay attention to all of that. I fear for every race when dealing with cops now a day. But because of the history of blacks with cops and things that have been going on behind the scenes far before social media and smart phones this is having a bigger effect because it is something that has been talked about and said to be going on since before either of us were born yet pushed to the side like it was nothing. I know how it is to be profiled and targeted by officers and it is not cool. You can't say something isn't true just because you have never experienced it. I am not one of the it is all about race people I am one of the these cops are not being properly trained and are not handling situations correctly out here people and a majority of them just happen to be black.

And trust me there is FAR more than what is being shown on the news as a black male I have witnessed it first hand so don't give me the you are being played line. This is a reality for a majority of black males and it is being brought to light that is what this is. This system is broken and corrupt through and through. But I do not let it bind me, hold me down or stop me but it HAS to change. You can't tell someone who has witnessed these things first hand they are being played by the news/media because we know it to be true. This isn't fake this is reality. 

And don't get me wrong this is nothing personal against you it is just that it gets tiresome when people constantly tell you that the life you have lived and those around you have lived is pretty much false and just the news/media trying to get you stirred up.

Hopefully, this being brought into the light is the precursor for change.  Overseas, I don't know if there is anything I can do to facilitate this change, but the reality that black American males are enduring is one that goes against the very ideas upon which America was founded. 

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  --The Declaration of Independence