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sc94597 said:

If we could magically wave a wand and eliminate all of the guns that exist, sure. But we can't. There has to be a means of enforcing it. And that means police going door to door confiscating weapons. Even then they wouldn't succeed. 

Drug and Alcohol prohibition both lead to organized crime. You can be sure that there will be organized crime surrounding the gun trade if prohibition were to take place. The demand in the U.S is too high, among criminals and non-criminals alike. 

There lies an issue with culture in the USA in general. The USA seems dependent on guns. You can't just remove them which is why people are asking for tigher controls. Even a law-abiding citizen can still get a gun with tigher controls because they'll pass the controls. Criminals won't care as they'll get the guns regardless but with tighter controls, it'll be harder (more expensive) and that's what you should be aiming for.

Hmm, pie.