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sc94597 said:

I disagree. The police will have another role in such a situation. Confiscating guns from law-abiding (and unlawful) black men and women, and likely killing them in the process (except in greater numbers .) This will antagonize the situation, and create more police brutality, not less. Just look what happened to Philando Castile, for politely informing the police officer that he is a lawful concealed carrier. The police are on edge, and giving them the task of confiscating weapons is not a good idea, nor will it work.  The number of guns won't be reduced enough to have a significant effect because there are 300 million guns among a population spanning almost 4 million square miles and almost 2,000 urban areas and 325 million persons. 

This is all because the government thought it was okay to prohibit drugs, which led to criminal activity surrounding them. If the government prohibited guns, it would  be much, much, much worse. Prohibition doesn't work, it creates crime. We saw this with alcohol prohibition, we saw this with drug prohibition, we will see it if there were gun prohibition. 

You disagree that without guns there will be the less deaths? Not sure you got what I was saying. No guns in the situation would mean less deaths because police wouldn't have them either, no one would. This isn't about confiscating guns from law-abiding black men and women, it's about removing guns from everyone regardless of their race or social standing in society. If the banning of guns means less things like a law-abiding citizens being shot, police doing their job getting shot or a bunch of school kids seeing life beyond their graduation, then restricting gun ownership should be a priority. Drugs and Alcohol are generally self harming items, guns generally hurt others.

Hmm, pie.