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ookaze said:
This gen is comedy gold. Well, this thread is comedy gold too. Especially the MS supporters.

Seems like MS still doesn't understand that vaporware doesn't work when your competitor has its product already out and extremely popular: it's too late!
I still say it will be an epic failure if it is even released. Like Viva Pinata, like Blue Dragon.
Let's see, do we have all the bases covered:
- Casual game => Viva Pinata : Epic Failure
- JRPG to win Japan => Blue Dragon : Epic Failure
- Vaporware to stall competition => Xmote : Epic Failure
- Profit for the XBox brand => 6.5 billions in the hole : Epic Failure
- Mascot for the console => None before the Moes (Mii clones) come : I can preditc the Epic Failure too

MS is on track to accomplish their three last decades success in other market than their cash cow Windows: Epic Failure.
And delusional people (omoneru?) that are still in the first stage of grief. Boy, the fall will be even harder to endure.

Seems more like you do not understand MS's strategy and have zero knowledge about how they used to conquer market segments they initially had no presence in in the past decades. MS probably knows that it is too late to catch Nintendo. Do you really think MS doesn't know this?

- Viva Pinata sold decently, and gives 360 owners the choice to play something else than a shooter.
- Blue Dragon was supposed to single-handedly win Japan? Who said that? In the week it was released in Japan, 360 numbers spiked to unbelievable 40.000 sold consoles, an amount that has never been reached again afterwards until now. It also gives 360 owners the choice to play something else than a shooter.
- Read my post above. If done right, it could add to the current success of the 360. You fail to recognize that one of MS's particular strengths is to adapt successful products of its competitors, improve them, and sell them under a new name.
- It doesn't matter how many losses a product has generated in the past, as long as it is profitable in the present and the future. Grillboys often (intentionally) forget that.

MS is next to Nintendo a big winner in this generation, while Sony is the big loser. By the end of this generation, MS will have doubled its installed hardware base compared to the previous generation, while Sony's will have halved.

Is that an epic failure?