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naruball said:
Naum said:
Seriously what the F is wrong with some of you.. If you are a Sanders supporter there is no F-ing way you vote for Trump.

Apparently for shits and giggles. Democracy is such a great concept.

Democracy has already failed us because we got Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee.

There are thousands of brilliant, incredibly competent, humble, and law-abiding people who would make fantastic Democratic nominees. They could have nominated literally anyone else who wasn't marred in decades of scandals and controversies and who could easily and effortlessly rise above someone like Bernie for example.

But instead we somehow got the most corrupt woman imaginable who rigged the system from day one with hundreds of superdelegates flocking to her side before the Iowa caucus even commenced.

The way she swindled the Democratic nomination was reprehensible. And now we have millions of people (myself included) who flee the Democratic party in search of literally anyone else.


In this election if you're voting Republican or Democrat you're either "Anybody but Trump" or you're "Anybody but Clinton." What does that say about the state of modern Democracy? I think it's time for a reboot.