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SpokenTruth said:
Miyamotoo said:

RE2 is only bigger PS1 game that was ported to N64, and there is good reason for that.

You could fit some of PS1 games on N64, but not only developers would need to cut lots a thing from PS1 version of games but scaling some PS1 game from few hundreds MB to only 64MB was very complicated, expensive and requires lots a time, so huge majority of devolpers refues to do that becuse they thought it wasnt profitable. So like I wrote, reason why N64 had bad 3rd party suport and actualy is Nintendo console with smallest number of relased games (ask yourself why that is case when N64 isnt nearly worst selling Nintendo console), is very obvious very small size of N64 catriidges (max 64MB) for 3rd partys that were relased games on CD.

Don't move the goal post.  You said they couldn't be done.  Now you're saying it could but is difficult or costly.

Your final point may be valid but you should be clear when making it the first time. 

My main point with this all talk is that N64 cartridge format instead of CD is reason why N64 had such a bad support and why N64 actually is Nintendo console with smallest number of released games. That is very obvious.

I agree that not only size of N64 cartridges was problem but also cost of cartridges itself compared to CD.