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DonFerrari said:
Miyamotoo said:

Again, we can say that one of their biggest mistake was N64 catridge format (size of games), Wii U dont have that problem so we cant say "all nintendos demons are still haunting them till this day", beacuse that clearly inst ture, but you can keep deny that pure fact.

What is a price of fully capable DVD player that PS2 used at beginning of that gen!?

You lying youself if you think a lot of PS1 games were possible on cartridge that have max size of 64MB. Huge majority of PS1 games had size of several hundreds MB, how can you fit those size if you cartridge with max size of 64MB!? Some games definatly could fit even on 64MB but pure fact is that huge majority couldnt fit. Also GC had far more better 3rd party support the N64 had despite N64 was selling better, also pure fact. Actualy N64 is Nintendo console with smalest number of relased game, why do think that is a case!?

Ok, so you are only discussing the "all"... ok you win.

The price of the DVD player doesn't matter because you don't know how much was the premium, and you also didn't said what was the price of a capable Mini DVD at the time, not even asking for a fully capable.

I'm not lying to myself. With the right compression tools a lot the games on PS1 could fit on the cartridge. I'm not saying most, I'm saying a lot. They weren't there for some reasons, bad relationship, low sales of N64, lack of interest to invest the time to make it work, and of course for some of them, the cartridge limitation.

Price of full DVD player does matter because back then had high price, and I assume Nintendo wanted more affordable console.

Even with all those tools majority of games couldn't fit on max size of 64MB. Even with great sales, good relationship, interest...huge majority of gamers couldn't fit even if developers wanted. GC had around 50% worse sales than N64 had, but regardles GC had much better 3rd party suport.


If you relly want to know what are IMO Gaming's worst marketing/business decisions, this what I wrote:

-Sega- Releasing too many hardware in small amount of time.
-Nintendo- Staying with N64 cartridges (even back than that rely wasn't bad decision because every disk based console failed until PS1). Wii U revealing, marketing, naming, pricing, game pad, launch titles...bloody mess.
-Sony- PS3 $600 launch price, very complicated CPU. Vita, price, price of cards, 1st party content.
-MS- XB1, inital plans about DRM and block of used games, releasing console with higher price with less power than PS4.