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DonFerrari said:
Pemalite said:

Impostering and Streaming can help bolster world size and LoD anyway to the point where it's almost irrellevent from that perspective.

So you would say that is quite possible that Zelda could be put on PS360 without major drawbacks but some consessions right?

There would be concessions.
The most readily apparant would likely be texturing and the lighting.
The WiiU has a more efficient GPU than the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 to the point where even if it had less flops, it would still be faster.
It has better texture compression, which when coupled with it's larger system memory capacity would be one of the major concessions a developer would make porting it to the other consoles.

And the WiiU also has superior geometry performance, so models will likely be a little simpler on the 360/PS3.

Lighting and shaders will be a big one, the WiiU has the shader grunt to handle more complex effects and more of them on screen.

Overall, it would technically be the same game, but it would still look the best on the WiiU, it's simply more modern and more capable machine than the 360/PS3.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--