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method114 said:
Ruler said:

-these graphicscards cost 300€ how is it cheap?

-Console have also cheaper games, you can get a lot of last gen games for pennies on Amazon if you buy them used. We have sales too on PSN/Live/NN. There is all kinds of compeition from digital, retail and second hand market on console. Its cheaper than steam to be honest and you arent dependent on some magical apearing SALE.

I didn't pay that much for my graphics card and I was able to play games that looked way way better then anythiny on my PS4. Crysis 3 just flat out looked real at some moments.

 the RX480 costs 300€ here, PS4 Neo will offer same performance and wont cost more than 400 or 500

Pemalite said:
Ruler said:

-these graphicscards cost 300€ how is it cheap?

-Console have also cheaper games, you can get a lot of last gen games for pennies on Amazon if you buy them used. We have sales too on PSN/Live/NN. There is all kinds of compeition from digital, retail and second hand market on console. Its cheaper than steam to be honest and you arent dependent on some magical apearing SALE.

1) No they dont.

2) If you think Consoles can compete with Steam,, Origin, uPlay, Green Man Gaming, Gamers Gate and the plethora of CD Key websites, Humble Bundle, Bundle Stars' etc'. Then you REALLY have not being paying attention, PC games are so much cheaper than Console games, it's insane. - I own hundreds of games on PC and Console. PC is always cheaper. No contest.

-yes they do, the RX480 costs 300€ here, PS4 Neo will offer the same performance and more, and it wont cost more than 400 or 500. AMD new card was unerwhelming you said in your own words if i remember

-you own only indie games and 7th gen games probably. I can also count my games from previous consoles in my list.

Look for example at Bishock you can buy the remaster for 50€ on Xbox One and PS4, ro for 22€ for all the last gen versions on Amazon which includes shipping cost. Meanwhile on Steam you have to buy every single one of them which will cost you 70€, there is no Sale for these games