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Picko said:
Firstly, BMI is rather useless for anyone in even mildly good shape (not just athletes). Worth clearing that misconception up. Also says very little about health in general, which is a bigger problem but people tend to be worried about weight than health so they'll probably ignore that.

Secondly, the fact that it tells kids they are overweight is going to bite Nintendo on the arse big time. God help them if a young girl develops anorexia or commits suicide where Wii Fit can be tied to the incident.

Yeah just wait until someone dies from using Wii Fit, then people will stop using it.  I mean look at cars, people die in car crashes all the time, blame them for pollution, noise, etc...And most people don't even realize that a car is powered by nothing more than a rapid sequence of about dangerous!! Good thing people don't use those things anymore...oh wait..yeah they do....

Everything in life has a potential to harm.  Do you own steak knives?  How about a bathtub?  A TV?

At the end of the day if you stab yourself, drown, or get a seizure from a TV whose fault is it?  The people who make those products? 

A lawsuit for someone flipping out about this and killing themselves is going to get laughed out of court because it has literally zero merit.  People can have adverse emotional and psychological reactions to just about anything and everything and there is no way any judge in their right mind is going to set a precident that says when it happens with a commercial product its the manufacturers fault.

To Each Man, Responsibility