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Kanye West - Yes he's an asshole, but his music is pretty good - unfairly hated
Justin Bieber - He just sucks - fairly hated
Lil Wayne - Don't really know him
Batman V Superman - Another generic superhero movie - fairly hated
Star Wars TFA - A Star Wars movie that's 100% fan service - not enough hated
Tomb Raider - Didn't know this was hated, have only tried bits of it, seemed decent
Xbox One - Weaker hardware and content compared to PS4, hardly any strong exclusives - fairly hated
Uncharted 3 - Never tried it

Madonna - A hit and miss musician, who is terrible at her worst (Hard Candy, MDNA), but one of the best in the industry at her best (Ray of Light, Confessions on a Dancefloor). Hated for her persona, rather than her music.

M. Night Shyamalan - An extremely talented and unique filmmaker, who has made a bunch of misunderstood masterpieces (The Village, Lady in the Water and Unbreakable). Okay he has some misfires as well, like The Last Airbender, but he is miles better than a lot of the popular directors these days.

Quantum of Solace - A fairly competent James Bond movie. Some claim it's one of the worst Bond movies ever. Which is ridiculous, when movies like Diamonds are Forever, A View to a Kill, Die Another Day and Spectre exist.

Skyward Sword - It's polarising, but deserves universal acclaim

Wii - Yes it has showelware, but it probably has more quality games than any other Nintendo home console