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drkohler said:
Pemalite said:

GPU's are allowed to draw up-to 75 watts of power from the PCI-E slot on the motherboard.

I wonder where that myth comes from...

gpu's are allowed to draw as much power from a pci-e slot AS THE MOTHERBOARD ALLOWS. Typically on boot-up, this value has its default set to 75W.

Unbeknownst to mankind, there is a "Slot Capabilities Register" which you can configure up to over 300 watt per slot, if the motherboard setup allows it.

The "Myth" comes from the fact that it is actually a part of the PCI-E Standard.
Can a GPU draw more than that? Sure it can.
But there is zero guarentees of compatability if the Motherboards power delivery is less than ideal... I have had first hand experience with this too.

And I quote: "They can use up to 75 W (3.3 V × 3 A + 12 V × 5.5 A), though the specification demands that the higher-power configuration be used for graphics cards only, while cards of other purposes are to remain at 25 W."

JEMC said:

Oh, and Sapphire will replace the 6-pin power connector by an 8-pin one in their Nitro series. Asus will have two power connectors on their Strix card, but they haven't revealed which ones.

They will probably be the cards to get in that lineup.

oodles2do said:

Thanks for explaining :).

Apparently the 480's are drawing more power than they're supposed to, violating the terms of PCI-E and the 6 pin power supply.

We will have wait and see what will happen on that front.

HoloDust said:

Yeah, AMD drivers do get quite a bit better over time, but not really my point - what I'm saying is that in current games RX 480 trades blows with 970, card from previous generation on old manufacturing process with the similar TDP...while nVidia's 1070, GPU with similar TDP and similar process as RX 480 is slaughtering it.

Basically what I'm saying is that AMD's tech is nowhere near as good as nVidia's and that they are dropping behind even more. My last nVidia card was GeForce 4 Ti4400, been with ATI/AMD ever since, but I think it's time for me to go back to team green.

You aren't the only one!
My last nVidia card was a Geforce 7, before that the Geforce FX. I don't think I have ever been enticed to go back to nVidia this strongly before, they are just "better" in almost every aspect except price, going to wait it out for Vega. I need high-end cards.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--