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pokoko said:
No interest in picking up Hunter X Hunter. I know people love it but I hate getting into something that stops and starts.

Eh, that might be for the best. It frustrates me honestly, trying to keep my interest up when it I only get a few chapters a year. It's the same reason I tend to lose interest in monthly manga that haven't finished.

That being said, if you change your mind, I actually recommend the 2011 anime over the manga. The mangaka refuses to work with assistants for whatever reason, which is admirable I guess...but the end result isn't so much. The art style looks extremely rough, almost like notebook doodles at times. I read the manga out of necessity, since I love the story, but I'd say the anime is a far better medium for it in this case. I found the anime had a decent closure too, even if it hinted at the story continuing.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334