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AnthonyW86 said:
HoloDust said:

Yeah, this is kinda embarassing for AMD, their 150W 14nm GPU is on par with nVidia's 150W 28nm GPU.

At least there's a good price...until 1060 drops in, that is.

I would argue that it's a bit early to draw that conclusion. Except for Tomb Raider the RX480 is on par or faster than a GTX 980 in DX12 benchmarks. Also the drivers for the GTX 9xxx series are much more mature.

We will have to see what the 1060 brings, but don't forget about the RX470 either.

Yeah, AMD drivers do get quite a bit better over time, but not really my point - what I'm saying is that in current games RX 480 trades blows with 970, card from previous generation on old manufacturing process with the similar TDP...while nVidia's 1070, GPU with similar TDP and similar process as RX 480 is slaughtering it.

Basically what I'm saying is that AMD's tech is nowhere near as good as nVidia's and that they are dropping behind even more. My last nVidia card was GeForce 4 Ti4400, been with ATI/AMD ever since, but I think it's time for me to go back to team green.