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oh man i was cheering hard for the spurs 20point lead went crashing ....hope its Boston vs Spurs in finals.


 Edit: interesting rumor going around Kobe cheating on his wife with a laker cheerleader . Laker website removed the cheerleader pics

 May 22, 2008. just got an EXPLOSIVE REPORT. According to the website, NBAs Kobe Bryant has been cheating on his wife with one of the Lakers cheerleaders named Vanessa.

Here's what the website is reporting:

Strong DIRTY ARMY Intel just came in about Kobe Bryant and Vanessa Curry… his wife’s last name isn’t Curry… uht ooooo! I thought players are not allowed to touch the dancers?

Anyone else notice the damage control that the Lakers are doing? DIRTY ARMY try to find images of Vanessa Curry… not that easy as you can see here the Lakers Organization is trying to delete her from existence. Wonder Why? Her link magically got deleted, but don’t worry we have an insider in the DIRTY ARMY. Details to come.