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AMD has finally explained the new naming scheme of their cards, and it includes a little surprise

AMD Radeon RX 400 series naming scheme explained

Let’s start with the RX. There are two subseries in Radeon 400 stack, the RX 400 and 400. The RX parts will offer >1.5 TFLOps performance and at least 100 GB/s of memory bandwidth. Those cards that do not offer such performance will not use the RX prefix.

AMD confirmed they will be using XX5 revisions, which basically means we might be seeing faster variants released after time, when yields are better, leakage was minimized, or AMD simply decided to release higher-clocked version. A good example would be Radeon HD 7970 and 7970 GHz Edition (being 2nd revision). Hopefully this will also mean less rebrands.



Oh, and Sapphire will replace the 6-pin power connector by an 8-pin one in their Nitro series. Asus will have two power connectors on their Strix card, but they haven't revealed which ones.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

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