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Akeos said:
DonFerrari said:

How will they use the SCDs of others if they were already using it? And considering the reach of most system and connection speeds without cables I'm very skeptical of the usability

NX will be home console and server,  it need to be turn on all time... 

If you use it 4 hours by day,  NX could given 20 hours to the networks.  So more then 80% could be used by Community. 

You are just ignoring that for close proximity (because you really don't want to use a sytem in Japan to power one in Mexico) the peak usage will have most users playing and very few system to give extra power to them, and in other hours you would have like 20 free HW for each in use... Will your game have that much flexibility in processing? I doubt so, another thing, you'll still have all the network limit problems. How much do you expect to transfer over network on a 1Mbps connection (and a lot of places don't even have it).

It is much much more cheaper at the moment to make every single HW strong enough than to design the infraestructure to warranty stability to really improve the power of each system.

The only feasible way at the moment is complete cloud computing and only a end user box to receive and present the data. That box would receive inputs from control and a "streaming movie" from the cloud but to off load computation would be very problematic.

I repeat, if Sony opted for full streaming and MS wasn't able to really put cloud to good use why do you think that Nintendo (who have very weak network footprint and experience) would be able to make it happen in the way you are assuming it will?

torok said:
MrCkurab said:

Just as they implied earlier, there is some big special idea in the NX and after having everything they did in the last generations copied imediatly Nintendo is tired of that shit.

It wasn't that immediatily. Move is a direct rip-off, but it arrived 4 or 5 years latter. Kinect isn't a copy because it is a much more advanced concept and, honestly, a technological triumph. That thing is really innovative and cannot be considered a copy.

I also don't see how skipping E3 would really help. It's only 9 months until March. It's not like anyone could release something before the NX, unless the idea is actually way simple and can be copied in no-time. In this case, it wouldn't also help to delay the announcement. It's PR BS at its best.

I see three explanations here:

1 - They want an Apple-like reveal, closer to the actual release so they can build hype quickly and keep it that way.

2 - One or more of the big reveal games aren't ready to be shown, so they would rather wait and announce everything at once.

3 - There's still something lacking in the NX itself, most likely some minor detail like the appearance of the console or controller, name, logo, etc.

Besides Eyetoy being in PS2 and SixAxis already having motion sensor embebed on it what do you have to say Move is a rip-off? Just the input form being similar? So is every controller since the first one a direct rip-off?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."