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celador said:
Is anyone here good with D.Va?

I tried her out for the first time today. Only a handful of matches. First match did pretty well (at least for me) with 17 eliminations in a game with quite high level players. After that not so good.

Her damage output at even middle range seems crappy, but at close range she seems to get comfortably beaten by guys that excel at close range, like Reaper. Also her Ult seems difficult to use effectively. It's so slow to actually finish people generally get away really comfortably.

I obviously need more practice, but I was wondering about other people's opinion of her

Yeah. DVA is a balancing act. To do the best damage, is to be at close range. And using her absorb beam at the right moment. Her self D does suck. Because it has to allow DVA to escape the blast radius. Which just helps the enemies. It's best to do it with someone elses Ult. I will help out DVA with Zarya by activating my graviton surge, to keep people in place. She has the advantage of never needing to reload. Which makes her excellent to deal with other tank characters.

Pemalite said:

archer9234 said:
Competition mode is really fun. But getting the gold weapons will take a hell of a time. You have to win 300 games, basically. To get one characters gun. I don't think it's worth the time.

It's so that Blizzard can entice people towards it's Microtransactions... A friend of mine has already spent $120 to unlock stuff because he got impatient.


Can you buy the competative points? Or can the gold gun be randomly unlocked in lootcrates? I never cared about the lootcrate stuff. Because there were many ways to get stuff. I saved up 1000 coins to get a skin. Took a month. I didn't mind that. But needing to win 300 matches, only from humans. I can't stand. If it were 100. Or you got 10 points each game. I wouldn't care. 300 is worse then saving up for 4 1000 skins.