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oodles2do said:

So, the 970 OC will perform better than the 480 but consume more power?

There's no rush at all for me, my new PC hasn't even arrived yet. I'd rather get a newer card because obviously it'll stay relevant for longer but if an older card outperforms it then surely that'll stay relevant too?

I'll only be using it at 1080p and and willing to downgrade settings to get it to around 60 fps too.

In the majority of games today, yes the Geforce 970 will be faster.

Games of tomorrow (Aka. Direct X 12) is another matter entirely, where the Radeon 480 should have the edge...
The question you need to then ask yourself is... Does the Radeon 480 give you acceptable performance in every game that you are willing to play today? And is more performance in tomorrows games more important?

You can't ignore the fact that Polaris is new, it uses a new architecture... So expect performance gains thanks to improved drivers going forward.

I would revisit all this once you get your new PC and you start looking at GPU's, there might be price shifts soon which might change things for you... And there should be some custom Radeon 480's by then too, Hopefully one with dual PCI-E power and voltage adjustments.

nanarchy said:

Card looks to be fantastic value for money, would have preferred if it was maybe 10% higher performance but it is certainly the card that is going into the machines I am building in July for myself and a couple of friends. perfect for 1080p gaming and ok for 1440p and provides some capacity for VR while sucking less juice than previous gen offerings. No it doesn't compete with the 1070 or 1080 but then it was never meant to except in price where it slaughters both in bang for buck. I am just glad I don't have to get another Nvidia card!

I doubt it is going to be any good for VR, not with all the bells and whistles turned on anyway.

VR's resolution and framerate is 2160x1200 @ 90fps in most cases.

And considering that Tomb Raider, Ashes of Singularity, Battlefield 4, Crysis 3, The Witcher 3, The Division, GTA 5, Hitman and more isn't able to hit 90fps (Heck, it even struggles to hit 60fps) at 1920x1080... With everything turned on... Well. You get the idea.

You would need to turn the graphics effects down for VR, which in my opinion isn't an ideal scenario.

You would likely need a pair of these for the best VR experience.

HoloDust said:

Yeah, this is kinda embarassing for AMD, their 150W 14nm GPU is on par with nVidia's 150W 28nm GPU.

At least there's a good price...until 1060 drops in, that is.

Exactly. If AMD is going to flaunt performance/watt numbers, then they had better at-least soundly beat the competition. :P

AnthonyW86 said:
HoloDust said:

Yeah, this is kinda embarassing for AMD, their 150W 14nm GPU is on par with nVidia's 150W 28nm GPU.

At least there's a good price...until 1060 drops in, that is.

I would argue that it's a bit early to draw that conclusion. Except for Tomb Raider the RX480 is on par or faster than a GTX 980 in DX12 benchmarks. Also the drivers for the GTX 9xxx series are much more mature.

We will have to see what the 1060 brings, but don't forget about the RX470 either.

Possibly. But the PC space moves fast. Fact of the matter is... For today's games and software, the RX 480 isn't doing so well.

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