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Cloudman said:
Ruler said:


Even if true it doesnt change the fact that metacritic should represent different opinions and outlets. That an important site like Famitsu isnt represented to give their score is pretty ignorant and down right discrimantory too. 

Do you mean Metacritic accepting famitsu's scores too? How would that work? Isn't it based on a 40 point system? I guess they could take the 4 individual's scores and add them all. I guess what's stopping that is Famitsu's a Japanese magazine publisher, and.. they don't know Japanese either. Plus, translating that for English for Metacritic may be a bit troublesome for them.


Either way, it doesn't matter to me. I don't use metacritic reviews to base my decisions on buying a game, haha.

there are countless reviews who are accepted in metacritic but have a different score system like 5 stars. For example Famitsu gave Star Ocean 5 a score of 34/40, thats an 85 on metacritic.

And reviews in different languages, it doesnt matter. They are still accepting reviews from italy or france for example who are completley in their native languages. All they do is translate the final words/conclusion to the review so it can be displayed on the metacritic site.

Chazore said:
Ruler said:

How is it xenophobia if i point out that most reviewers are from western countries while japanese reviewers are absent like Famitsu? 

There were quite a lot of people in this thread who openly said they are going to cancel their pre-order or prospone the purchase. So its clearly a lot of people do listen to these reviewers, western reviewers. 

You have long since displayed a spiteful attitude towards most Western games and devs, favored Japanese games, devs, pubs and systems easily over anything Western, that type of attitude towards a different side of the world is a case of xenophobia. I've yet to find anyone else on this forum who displays the exact same attitude and behaviour as you towards the entire Western world.

If there are no Japanese reviews for the Japanese game then simply blame those people, not the West, don't even involve the West in something that has to do with Japan getting their reviews out and their shit together.

Listening to a few reviews alone isn't what you should be basing your purchase on entirely, I go by extensive (not shown just by trailers) gameplay footage, price points, all sorts of reviews, not just only the big sites, I go by certain youtube reviews as well since they tend to go in depth to places that big reviewers tend to skip. I basically do my own research before buying a game, big name reviews alone don't even begin to suffice, so those relying only on meta can do what they do but personal research and using more sources of input are better than one source.

Also some people here have decided to cancel their *pre-order*, that isn't to directly say they will never ever buy the game and even then this forum is but a very tiny fraction of people who would/wouldn't buy the game vs those outside this site around the world.

Japanese have to get their shit together? Listen to yourself here chazore thats downright Xenophobic talk from yourself, and i can recall you saying you would never want to use a Japanese OS simple for the fact that they are not western so stop calling me xenophobic. 

But how has that anything to do with Japanese reviewers being absent from Metacrtic which is discriminatory? I am pretty sure if Famitsu and other japanese reviewers could give their review they would, but they cant just as you dont see any other none western country im metacritic.

Do you see for example reviews from latin america, africa, arabic world, former soviet union, china, korea or other parts in asia on metacritic? Damn what a coincedence, they all cant get their shit together unlike the mighty west, yeah sure.

Look also at Snoopys comment and you call me here the most xenophobic and spitefull person on this site?

Snoopy said:
JRPGS are dying and if you don't believe me just look at ff15. Time to accept it, wrpg won and so did America

how is it you dont go after him instead of me?