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celador said:

@ bolded:

That is what seems to happen with most games unfortunately, you're right. There are still a few heroes I haven't tried yet, so I may give them a go against the A.I first. Otherwise I think I will stick with quick play agianst other people.

Not sure why devs do this but I personally think it's much cheaper and straightforward for them to just make AI tougher via handing them cheats and the ability to never miss their target no matter what happens, it's definitely cheap but I am hoping in the coming years that devs start moving towards making AI that bit smarter than hiding behind cover and knowing exactly where you are.

AI in SCII seems to not have a complete leg up on you though, they actually ened to send out a scout or two to know your position, while most RTS AI just flkat out know exactly where you are and what you are doing, another reason why I largely feel that cloaking tech in any RTS game is uesless thanks tot he AI knowing everything that you don't

I would totally give heroes you haven't tried a go against AI, you'll get a lot less flak than what you would get from competitive folk who expect everyone to know the ins and outs of very hero and blast those that don't. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"