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celador said:
Chazore said:
I'm not really the super competitive type so I'll be sticking with the regular unranked mode, vs AI and the weekly brawls =P. The golden guns never were a thing that I wanted, the same way I never went for any when TF2 were sporting their own golden weapons.

How is the A.I? I've never tried it

Depends, I have never tried against easy AI but for the most part I easily stomp medium AI, if my team are that bad then of course the AI on medium could stomp us (happened to me with the same team twice and I tell you I was pretty shocked at the time). The Hard AI from the few matches I played seem to easily wipe you clean if you aren't paying close attention, it somewhat feels like they have had their damage increased to a high level where it only takes a few shots to end your life, but their intelligence is more or less the same, something which I dread seeing since I've always wanted game devs to give us some smart AI that don't hav to rely on having complete accurate aim along with higher life/damage.

Overall I'd say it's decent playing against AI, they won't give you crap like some players can do at the end of a round. I play against AI when playing SCII and Heroes of the storm as well, though for both Heroes and OW I also tend to play unranked player versus player rounds. I just find playing against AI with AI partners or friends to be more relaxing and enjoyable than going against other players who at times can either slag you off or pummel you into the ground each time for a few rounds.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"