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DonFerrari said:
archbrix said:

If Nintendo's SCD module really works as described in the patent, it could kinda be both.  That would be a gimmick far more advantageous in the long run than any new-fangled controller, and while NX wouldn't match Neo or Scorpio on a pure tech level, the SCD can connect (even peer to peer) with other SCDs to use the power of the network to enhance games considerably.  Remember that the SCD has CPU and GPU processing abilities.

My guess is that a base handheld unit would be just powerful enough to run modern games at a lower resolution.  Definitely not XB1 in raw power, but able to share the same library, with the console variant closer to PS4 in power.  Again, it's the SCD that would be doing all the magic to make games run at a PS4+ level.

A "Nintendo cloud" that includes your uncompromised gaming experience, account and social media all together could indeed be pretty spectacular.  It's just up to Nintendo how they handle it and make it easy to understand to the user.

If MS couldn't pull cloud, I doubt Nintendo will be able. They barely have a network compatible with PSN and even less Live.

As far as I know, Microsoft was still going for traditional cloud tech relying on a massive server farm where the loss of electricity over distance is a crippling factor.  With Nintendo's SCD, it's like breaking the server farm up and spreading it out to where people with poor connections can link up to others with better connections.  So it's a different way of going about cloud processing.  Whether or not Nintendo can pull it off remains to be seen.