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disolitude said:
bbsin said:


The problem with your statement is that no one is arguing over paying 50/year for the extra services that XBL gold offers over their CONSOLE competition , the problem is that you PAY to play online (without changing your name every month and losing your achievements every time). No one else does that except for Microsoft, for people like me (long time PC user) free online play is basic and always has been. I own all three consoles and split time pretty evenly for everyone INCLUDING PC, do you think I want to spend anything just to have a chance to play online with a friend for just ONE of my consoles? I'm completly happy with the extra features that silver offers, but having to pay for playing with a friend is de-evolution of online gaming. Having exclusive betas alot of content may be worth money but online play is not.

As we astablished can play online for free. Crate a new xbox live username every 30 get 30 days of free online. I admit its a little outdated to pay for online play only but a service where you can chat on msn while in the game and talk to select friends over a private chat line at the same time is worth 4 bucks a month to me.

Like I said before, the extra features that XBL gold offers are dandy. Chatting with friends are great, so are exclusive betas and a large store inventory. But why NOT have a choice to be able to play with friends without all the hooplah? What if you have other means of talking to select friends during online play? what if you just want to play online every once and awhile? Is it too much to ask for an option (what Silver SHOULD be) to just play online without having to change your name and lose all your achievements? I fail to see how someone can get branded as "Wii/PS3 owner that doesn't appreciate XBL gold for 50/year" if all we want is a chance to play online with other people. If people like me want all the extra goodies that gold offers then we'll buy it, but online play should NOT be used as a selling point for Gold service, yet it's the biggest and only reason to fork over 50/year in the first place and that should be changed. I'm sure even you would have to agree with that.