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curl-6 said:
DonFerrari said:

Ok I see it... perhaps because WiiU were already "ready" 1,5 year before release while NX is still getting major changes until they can set the optimum for it?

There's no way to know really. For all we know NX could have been finalized last year and they really are just afraid it'll be imitated. One of the more annoying traits of modern Nintendo is their secrecy.

Yes you are right, anything we talk is especulation. But I would bet that following the success of Wii and keeping the same philosophy was easier to develop the next iteration than now that they need a complete new plan.

Anyway let's hope it's a good machine because the SW we are basically sure will be good.

Miyamotoo said:
Mar1217 said:

It doesn't even make sense. When you look at the facts, Nintendo has always bring us a new console more powerful than the others on the market each generation, even after the 7th generation with the WiiU which is more powerful than a Xbox 360/PS3. If they bring something like this now, that would be a big middle finger to the gaming community. After the failure of the WiiU, it's obvious that Nintendo won't just try to appeal to the casual market. If they want to be more successful, they'll need everyone like Sony is doing. The console will definitely be at least more powerful than a PS4 and at least on the same price point than the WiiU right now.

You realise that Wii U was just a little more powerfule than 7 years old consoles!? Wii U needed to compete with XB1/PS4 not 7 years old consoles.

Nintendo can't win console war with specs, not in middle of generation and when we having PS4 Neo and Xbox Scorpio knocking on door. Releasing console that would be on pair with Xbox Scorpio means console of around $500, and realising $500 console in middle of generation would be suicide for Nintendo.

Nintendo with NX will go for 1080p gaming, some new concept and affordable price (most likly $300), so they really don't need stronger hardware than PS4. IMO in worst case NX will have power similar to XB1, realistically somewhere between XB1 and PS4, but also could have similar power to PS4 or even little above, I dont think NX will be much stronger than PS4 in any case.

Considering 2017 for release and that we have several speculation on PS4Neo for 400,00... I would say if Nintendo don't put too much money on the "special" side of the console they could release a console with the power of PS4 for 250 or Neo for 350 (not saying exact same power, but same ballpark). But from the several PR we got, I would agree between X1 and PS4 with 1080p60fps for Nintendo games is the safest guess, but that would also probably mean little 3rd party support after 2 or 3 years, at least while PS4Neo and Scorpio are around demanding backward support for PS4 and X1 the NX will have a good possibility of support if their architeture don't mean too much problem porting.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."