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Isn't a very narrow view to just take a economic aspect of the Brexit. It sounds like the OP is saying that you need to be an expert in global finance and economics to be allowed to speak about the Brexit so what about the legal, historic and political aspect should people be experts in all this to be "allowed" to talk about the brexit ?

Even if I agree that EU will need to find a reasonable agreement with UK it can't be too reasonable for political reasons. What message would EU send to the 27 other countries if it is just ok to leave the EU like this. So what UK would like we say french " avoir le beurre l'argent du beurre et la crémière".

Plus I can't talk about Germany but in France (I am from Switzerland and in Geneva we have acces to french medias) there's a lot of people for a "hard line"with UK. On the other side there's also Mélenchon (communist) and Marine Lepen (extreme right) that want to leave EU (well Mélenchon wants to leave or change EU).