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If you debunked their argument, you win. Unfortunately, people are stubborn. It's something that appears quite often in life. Never understood why people have a hard time accepting they're wrong. We all make mistakes.

They sound like a typical dumbass who just pulls information from Tumblr of Buzzfeed(the cancer of the internet). I don't like Trump, but just saying he's racist won't suddenly make you correct.

You're on the right of this OP. Even if Trump was Hitler JR, it shouldn't automatically make America a horrible place.

Also, I'd tell them to piss off. Being white does not magically make you incapable of being knowledgeable or empathetic. People who pull the race card obviously have no evidence to back themselves and are jokes. Unless they were being sarcastic(as I say that as a joke sometimes), I'd wonder if they truly are your friends. Using race is a very petty thing to do.



12/22/2016- Made a bet with Ganoncrotch that the first 6 months of 2017 will be worse than 2016. A poll will be made to determine the winner. Loser has to take a picture of them imitating their profile picture.