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Mike_L said:
jason1637 said:

I'm not really trash talking but stating the obsiouv. The only games the Vita gets are Japanese games and indies. Sony isn't supporting it anymore while the Wii U is still getting 3 more big games. The Vita is pretty much dead and the Wii U is also. I don't hate Sony handhelds. Hell the PSP is my favorite handheld of all time but the Vita was a disappointment to fans and to Sony. Same can be said for the Wii U

So if those kinds of unconstructive comments are perfectly fine when talking about a disappointing console, why is it that people are being referred to as "awful fanboys" when anything negative is said about the Wii U (a console you just referred to as disappointing)?

I just think the double standards have multiplied after E3 and it's not benefitting the community (unless of course the goal is to turn VG into a Neogaf for Nintendo fans).

Mike, where is all this coming from? Nintendo fans are calling WiiU detractors "fanboys"? Nintendo fans are talking trash about Vita? VGChartz is turning into Neogaf for Nintendo fans?

I've been pretty active lately, and I'm not seeing evidence of this stuff. Can you point me in the right direction?